Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Week With No Phone

I have an unnatural ability to injure if not destroy electronics.  I am the person warranties were created for.  My family has even joked that if a computer or phone company wanted to save money on warranties, all they would have to do is hire me to touch the electronic.  If it survives my touch, nothing will break it.

It is not that I do anything bad to electronics either.  For example, my last phone had an Otter Box cover, which are supposedly almost indestructible.  I actually really love the Otter Box and highly recommend them.  I have one for my iPad, too.  I know people who have dropped their phones from the second story of a building onto concrete and had their phone survive the fall with this case on.  Me?  I tossed my phone onto a desk from less than a two inch incline and had my screen shatter while in the case.

Now, of course, after buying a Samsung Galaxy 4 on Black Friday, only a matter of months later I have a phone that will not charge or turn on.  It has been having difficulties since day one with holding a charge and freezing.  Until my phone can be replaced, I am rendered sans phone.

I would be a much happier camper if I haven't become so reliant upon my phone for taking amazing pictures like this:

I would like to say that at least not having a phone can be a bonus because I am forced to focus my attention on my daughter.  However, I am finding that I rarely used my phone for anything but NJ (i.e. pictures - see above).  So, life goes on and I have been forced to rediscover my digital camera.  Now, I just pray I don't have car trouble or get lost without my phone or Google Maps to guide me!

So, in this time of broken phones, I must self reflect.  "Hi.  My name is Nicole, and I am a camera picture addict."

Phew.  With that off my chest, I need to know, what would you do with a week sans phone?

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