Friday, February 28, 2014

Nobody Likes Being Sick

My little girl (NJ) came down with croup this last week.  Other parents out there will likely attest to grief of croup as a result of the puppy dog eyes and horse cough.  In addition, I didn't feel so great myself with a sore throat, runny nose, sleep deprivation, and body aches.

As a result, the true question is, how do you entertain a sick child, especially when feeling under the weather yourself?  This epic question is emphasized when the illness stretches multiple days.

One solution is of course reading stories easily allowing a child to stay in bed or cuddled snuggly with Mommy.  The only draw back being the sore throat that may ensue.  In my efforts to appease NJ in her week of aches and pains, I wrote her a get well poem.  So, without further ado (though this line in itself is further pause), my ode to NJ  in efforts to make her feel a little better while sick:

Nobody Likes Being SIck

Nobody likes being sick.
It is nature’s worst kind of trick.

It all started with a simple cough
And kept on going until it felt like my nose might fall off.

I have to stay home all day
While all of my friends go out to play.

I miss out on my favorite treats,
And everyone else gets to dance to different beats

Nobody likes being sick.
It makes time slow down with every tick.

Dad takes my temperature which is no fun
When all I want to do is run.

I sniff and snuff and sneeze and wheeze.
I cry out, “Make me feel better, please!”

Just when I think I am over my cold and flu,
I let out another great big ACHOOO!

Nobody likes being sick.
I hope I can get over this quick.

My head hurts, and my sight is blurry.
Everything seems to be in a flurry.

I itch and scratch and moan and groan.
Sometimes I feel like I am turning to stone.

I do not like all this tummy trouble.
Being sick quite deflates my bubble.

Nobody likes being sick.
I hope the doctor does not give me a needle prick.

My mom makes me take yucky medicine.
Though, I do not so mind the green colored gelatin.

My eyes are puffy, and my nose is runny.
This being sick is just not funny.

Hot or cold?  I cannot decide!
I feel achy and icky I must confide.

Nobody likes being sick.
I have scabs and owies that I want to pick.

I sit and watch TV or nap.
My body moves like it is full of sap.

It is terrible and boring feeling so put out
When all you want to do is explore about.

Some people send bright colored balloons.
They are attached to cards that say, “Feel better soon!”

Nobody likes being sick.
I sure could use an energy kick.

My dog stays dutifully by my side
While I dream of going on a nice bike ride.

Yes, nobody likes being sick.
But maybe while I am, I can have some ice cream to lick.

Hopefully I feel better soon.
Some rest and good broth may help improve my tune.

Nobody likes being sick.
I wish I could give this illness a good flick.

But luckily my fever begins to drop.
And all of these funny red bumps start to pop.

Slowly my mood begins to rise.
I give out a few cheerful cries.

And lickity split, before I know it,
My fever is gone, and I do show it!

Nobody likes being sick,
And now that I am better I give a jaunty kick.

Feel better!